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The Bike Lane - A Path to Engagement

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The Bike Lane - A Path to Engagement

Hennepin County Library, Minn.

Equity and Inclusion | 2020

Innovation Synopsis

Hennepin County Library endeavored to engage the community and maintain visibility while library buildings were closed. Supported by a custom-built bicycle and a branded van, staff targeted outdoor community events to safely distribute thousands of culturally responsive books, activity kits and local resource referrals.


  • The compounding effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the murder of George Floyd brought a heightened awareness to injustice and racial disparities facing Hennepin County residents.
  • Civil unrest in Minneapolis led to large scale loss of essential services and social supports.
  • Libraries were closed or offering limited services, resulting in significant barriers to in-building community engagement.
  • East Lake Library, damaged by fire during the unrest, remains closed for repair until 2021.

Key Elements of Innovation

  • Staff evaluated existing outreach tools, teams and partnerships for new opportunities.
  • Staff used a Racial Equity Impact Tool to select partners with shared goals.
  • Outdoor engagement sites included parks, encampments and food distribution sites.
  • Supplies pivoted away from circulating books to culturally relevant giveaway books and early literacy play kits.
  • HCL’s Library Bike and All are Welcome Van were outfitted with PPE.
  • Mobile units brought both high-visibility and approachability to the in-person experience.

Achieved Outcomes

  • HCL interacted with thousands of Minneapolis residents, distributing 6,000 #OwnVoices titles and 2,500 early literacy play kits.
  • The novelty of the mobile units generated light-hearted interest and attracted a range of positive of resident responses.
  • Mobile library services were offered five to six days per week at 100 events from June to September.
  • Events were located in neighborhoods facing the greatest barriers to access to resources.
  • Through outreach we aimed to support learning, access to information and trust-building.