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The Collaboratory: Making for Teens and Adults

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The Collaboratory: Making for Teens and Adults

Hillsboro Public Library, Ore.

Education - Children & Adults

Innovation Synopsis

"The Collaboratory" is a makerspace at the Hillsboro Public Library. It came together on a $5,000 budget and opened within five months of conception. "The Collaboratory" offers open labs, meet-ups and classes in 3D printing, papercrafting, robotics, fiber and fabric arts, digital drawing, drafting and more.


The maker culture encourages learning by doing. "The Collaboratory" offers free and low-barrier opportunities for users of all abilities to try new crafts/hobbies and learn from one another in a shared space. "The Collaboratory" is accessible to all members of the community, offering a variety of digital and analog learning opportunities. We also offer new and emerging technologies in a high-quality and attractive space, which is primarily staffed by a corps of knowledgeable, local volunteers.

Key Elements of Innovation

We have successfully created a new program with minimal additional staffing needs. For occasional courses and meet-ups, we are staffed by local volunteers who are experts in the given field we are educating on. Day-to-day, we have open "Collaboratory" use during our normal operational hours. For the most part, "The Collaboratory" remains unstaffed and individuals who have been certified by our staff may be in the area and utilize equipment without supervision.

Achieved Outcomes

By actively soliciting and utilizing patron input on things they would like to see, we are engaging with various demographics within the community. We are continually breaking down socio-economic barriers and promoting accessible learning. We plan to continue providing user-oriented services and equipment, while achieving the library’s mission to promote lifelong learning and new and popular materials. Our staff is regularly looking for new classes and equipment to add to "The Collaboratory."