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The Efficient Librarian Productivity Training

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The Efficient Librarian Productivity Training

Palm Beach County Library System, Fla.

Library Operations & Management | 2019

Innovation Synopsis

The world of work is increasingly fast. To improve productivity and relieve stress, the library system conducts training for library staff both locally and across the country on effective workflow. These classes range from onsite training to webinars that cover email best practices, to effective workflow and personal knowledge management.


Work life has grown busier every year. Many workers feel overwhelmed with the volume of tasks they must do. The typical worker is bombarded with hundreds of emails and endless streams of information. When polled, staff listed these top workplace productivity challenges: Time Management, Interruptions/Distractions and Too Many Projects. Library Director Doug Crane saw an opportunity to bring tested systematic approaches to office productivity into the library system to build a more efficient workforce.

Key Elements of Innovation

Branded as “The Efficient Librarian” the classes cover the three core concepts of controlling workflow, mastering personal knowledge management and engaging in next action thinking. Participants learn the importance of capturing items that have their attention, clarifying the meaning of these items and deciding on physical next actions to complete tasks while using simple organizational systems to managed workflow. Types of classes include full- or half-day onsite seminars and a set of webinars.

Achieved Outcomes

Classes have been operating for the past seven years, to local library staff and have also been taught to 18 other library organizations and systems across the country including a webinar for ALA. Surveys of participants show that 60% reported a reduction in workplace stress. Fifty-five percent of participants regularly cleared their inbox, an increase from 40% prior to the training. As well, more participants reported that they emptied their inbox to zero, an increase from 49% to 65%. The classes receive popular reviews.