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The FYI Book Club

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The FYI Book Club

Kansas City Public Library, Mo.

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis


It is important for KCPL to show the community that reading is tied to every aspect of life in Kansas City. For every organization or agency, civic issue or global concern, there is a book that can generate thoughtful discussion by bringing readers together to share differing opinions and beliefs. Since October of 2014, the Library has made great efforts to bring the FYI Book Club to various venues in Kansas City in order to enhance the reading experiences for participants, to engage new readers, and to increasingly reach patrons outside the library’s walls.

Key Elements of Innovation

KCPL has hosted “pop up” book groups throughout KC, giving readers opportunities to visit places rarely seen and hear from local voices bringing valuable insight beyond the scope of each book. Variety means readers come from all over the metro area, and we never engage the exact same group twice. FYI Book Clubs have included the Kansas City Police Department (Ghettoside: A True Story of Murder in America); KC Water Department (The Water Knife); the Gay and Lesbian Archives of Mid America (Then Comes Marriage), and a local mortuary (Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Lessons from the Crematory).

Achieved Outcomes

Partnerships with community organizations raise readers’ awareness not only of Library resources, but of timely and relevant community and national issues. FYI at the KCPD convened police officers, former gang members, and former city council members, all discussing race relations and public safety. FYI at the Water Department brought awareness of local environmental issues and water rights in the American Southwest. Many residents now recognize the FYI Book Club as a venue to approach difficult topics through the power of reading and discussion. Participation numbers have increased, and many of the readers have become regular Library visitors.