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The Holocaust: Learn & Remember

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The Holocaust: Learn & Remember

San Antonio Public Library, Texas

Equity and Inclusion

Innovation Synopsis


One of the roles of the Library is to enlighten the community, to promote tolerance and to help members of our community understand the importance of acceptance. Libraries and library staff play a pivotal role in bringing diverse people together to create a dialogue. During the month of May, library visitors had the opportunity to hear personal stories of the Holocaust from local child survivors, and learned more about the experience from local and national presenters. Sharing a personal story is difficult; however, it is through the sharing of these stories that we ensure that history does not repeat itself.

Key Elements of Innovation

This initiative began with local Jewish community activist Howie Nestel and Library Director Ramiro Salazar. Before this program, there was no city-wide commemoration of the holocaust. It was then determined that the San Antonio Public Library would host yearly educational and commemorative programs, as well as events to honor the victims of the Holocaust. Each year, a theme is determined by a committee of library and museum staff, and programs and events are created and scheduled. Programs this year included The Final Solution: Nazi Extermination Camps in Poland, a discussion by University of the Incarnate Word Professor Dr. Roger Barnes.

Achieved Outcomes

The Library hosted keynote speaker and author Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger who discussed his book A German Life: Against All Odds Change is Possible. He described his struggle growing up in the shadow of his father, a WWII German military officer and how he eventually converted to Judaism, immigrated to Israel and served in the Israel Defense Forces as a medical officer. Over 150 people enjoyed the program at the Library, while a hundred more viewed the live stream of the program. The program brings awareness to our community of the injustices and persecutions that the Jews and others have suffered.