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The Library as Town Square

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The Library as Town Square

Anythink Libraries, Colo.

Advocacy & Awareness | 2019

Innovation Synopsis

Through programming, partnerships and resources, Anythink is establishing the library as town square — a vision outlined in the organization’s strategic plan. These innovations provide a multitude of opportunities for civic engagement, from facilitated dialogues on topics that impact the community to increased voter registration accessibility.


From the library’s own info gathering, the organization realized that people are craving the opportunity to connect in-person with each other and their community. Whether it’s to have meaningful debate or to gain access to vital voting resources, many are finding few safe spaces available for this purpose. By adopting a community-focused strategic plan, Anythink is actively trying to address this challenge by establishing the library as a town square within the greater Adams County community.

Key Elements of Innovation

To facilitate opportunities for civic dialogue, Anythink has hosted many programs including Better Arguments: Tech Boom Tensions, Perspectives from the Vietnam War, Civic Power in Action and What Every American Should Know. Anythink also began hosting Civic Saturday, where the community gathers in civic reflection and inspiration. The library has partnered with the Adams County Elections to provide dedicated voter registration kiosks at its largest libraries, as well as voter info and forms at all of its libraries.

Achieved Outcomes

The overall goal of all of this work to help create a community where people are happy, healthy and safe. Attendance, community connection and robust discussion at civically minded events are a few of the achieved goals thus far. Surveys completed at the most recent event, Better Arguments, verify that attendees find these events to be valuable. By increasing the accessibility and visibility of voter registration info, Anythink and Adams County Elections hope to see an increase in voter participation.