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The Source

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The Source

Los Angeles Public Library, Calif.

Health & Wellness | Honorable Mention

Innovation Synopsis


Homelessness in Los Angeles is a serious health disparity affecting the lives of men, women and children. More than 25,000 homeless individuals reside in the City of Los Angeles, with 10,000 of them in the Central Library’s service area. An average of 300 homeless individuals visit the Central Library each day seeking free services and amenities, including Internet and computers, WiFi, reading materials and shelter from weather. The library knew it could do more to help the homeless — and support the mayor’s goal to end homelessness — as only the library can: by bringing people together.

Key Elements of Innovation

Navigating the myriad of services available for the homeless is difficult and daunting, and even more difficult for those suffering from chronic illness, drug abuse or mental illness. Multiple government agencies work independently amid complicated regulations, with individuals often getting lost in the system. There is no simple, immediate, centralized option for homeless assistance, so the Library employs a “No Wrong Door” approach. Once a month, Central Library hosts organizations to connect the homeless to housing, health services, hygiene kits, bus tokens, free cell phones, social service benefits such as Medi-Cal and CalFresh, and even physical transportation to shelters.

Achieved Outcomes

The library leverages its environment where homeless Angelenos already feel comfortable and safe, and provides local organizations with the space and support they need to meet and connect the homeless with services to improve their lives and well-being. Since December 2015, more than 300 homeless individuals received assistance. The library will support the mayor’s efforts to combat homelessness city-wide by expanding The Source beyond the Central Library to branch libraries that serve large homeless populations. Current partners include the Department of Mental Health, LA Homeless Services Authority, People Assisting the Homeless (PATH) and the Department of Public Social Services.