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Torrance Library Video Contest

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Torrance Library Video Contest

Torrance Public Library, Calif.

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis


How does a library display the impact it has on a community? Let the community speak for themselves! Though we have collected letters, quotes, surveys, and testimonials before, video gave a new generation a chance to really express themselves. From a young child proudly holding up his folder from the summer reading program, to girls solving a life problem, to teens who wrote and performed an original song, each video showed what the library truly has to offer the entire community. Now proudly displayed to elected officials, key supporters, and to library staff, these videos say more than we could ever come up with. In addition, they inspired the Torrance Youth Council to continue making videos for the Library. All the videos are on the City of Torrance You Tube channel.

Key Elements of Innovation

The City had not offered an opportunity like this before, so all of the three Rs (rules, releases, and regulations) had to be developed from scratch. The Friends of the Torrance Library funded prizes on faith that the results would be worth it. Staff built a judging panel of community stakeholders, and built the videos into events that celebrated these creative community members.

Achieved Outcomes

The major outcome is magnificent public relations for the library, that we could never have developed on our own. The videos included original plots, songs, and special effects along with library "in jokes" and genuine appreciation for how Libraries Change Lives. Anything staff developed would have felt stilted, and these results leave us cheering, laughing, and proud. Major lesson learned was one of faith and trust - put out the call and let the community respond. They won't let you down.