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TPL's On Civil Society Programming Initiative

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TPL's On Civil Society Programming Initiative

Toronto Public Library, Ontario

Advocacy & Awareness | 2018 |

Innovation Synopsis

On Civil Society is a two year major service initiative that explores today’s hot button issues through event programming, digital content, collections, workshops and public engagement projects. Through various lenses (democracy, the media, justice, equality, etc.) we aim to engage the public in spirited but civil discussion and debate.


There are fewer public spaces where true discussion can be had with honest engagement and disagreement in terms that are civil and respectful. Because of the bubbles we all live in, we engage less and less frequently with those who have different world views than our own. The series aims to allow the public opportunities to think about important issues of our day via innovative/experimental formats meant to elicit participation and engagement.

Key Elements of Innovation

  • Launching a comprehensive multi-channel marketing and engagement campaign to raise awareness of the series and for the need to have these important discussions; also to position and raise the profile of the library as the last bastion of public institutions that allow people to recognize and challenge the bubbles that we live in
  • Consciously going “against the grain” of the library’s tendency to only present progressive and left-leaning topics in its programming

Achieved Outcomes

  • Firmly position the library and our brand as a place for civic engagement, welcoming and civil discussion, diverse points of view, access to a broad range of ideas and information
  • Greater cross-cultural understanding