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Transforming a Legacy Culture

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Transforming a Legacy Culture

Richmond Hill Public Library

Library Operations & Management | 2023

Innovation Synopsis

Transforming our poor workplace culture was urgently needed to enable our new strategic plan. Many said real change wasn’t possible – libraries are too legacy driven and unions too constrained. Well, in just a year, we showed unprecedented increases in scores against global benchmarks, meaningfully shift mindsets, and improved employee experiences.


No matter how aspirational our new vision or how exciting our plans, none of it could happen unless we significantly pivoted our culture to become adaptable, creative, accountable. Some obstacles:

  • Systemic culture of bureaucracy, hierarchy, mistrust and blame for years
  • New CEO lacked credibility due to no prior library experience
  • Management’s outdated mindsets and practices, and resistance to change
  • Sector groupthink warned culture change in libraries is very hard
  • Unionized environment
  • 66% of team part-time

Key Elements of Innovation

A multi-pronged, always-on, collaborative approach to change, including:

  • Strategy plan co-created with employees
  • High Performing Culture is a strategic priority
  • Culture is everyone’s responsibility, not CEO’s
  • Leadership Brand workshops
  • Team Experience Commitments
  • Changed language (eg. “staff” to “team”, killed “discipline”)
  • Optimized team for culture (reassignments/hirings/exits)
  • Redesigned structure for role clarity
  • New CA clause to attract new talent
  • Employee innovation process
  • All-Team Creativity Day

Achieved Outcomes

Inspired huge quantitative/qualitative mindset & workplace experience shifts, such as:

  • Denison Culture Survey benchmarked us in 12 domains against 1000+ global public, private, not-for-profits. In 1 year we had “unprecedented” results, increasing all domains up to 46 percentile pts
  • We’re a case study at the Denison Global Conference
  • Consultant: “In over 10 years, I’ve never seen improvement this big this fast”
  • Employee: “I used to be anxious coming to work, now I love it”
  • 70% participation on 20 min survey
  • Surpassed plan targets