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TSU/GRE Digital History Project

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TSU/GRE Digital History Project

Houston Public Library, Texas

Education - Children & Adults

Innovation Synopsis


The Archival staff discusses with students how archival libraries are different from the other libraries. Staff also discusses with students the process of searching for information in an archival collection and oral history interviews. Students are given a checklist of assignments that are due by the second workshop.

Key Elements of Innovation

Students conduct research at the African American Library at the Gregory School which culminates in a digital exhibit showcasing African American history in Texas. The workshop is more focused on research help and checking on the students’ progress. Some specific help can be given on their items and secondary sources, and help can be given to direct them to online resources (, Smithsonian online, etc.) that can also help.

Achieved Outcomes

The students are given pointers on public speaking and professional etiquette and they give a presentation of their finished projects to the public. The purpose is to give students hands-on experience working in an archive and familiarity with resources available. Students are given credit online for all published work completed.