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“Turn it UP”: Fun, Family, Learning and Community

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“Turn it UP”: Fun, Family, Learning and Community

Jacksonville Public Library, Fla.

Innovation Synopsis

“Turn it UP Thursday” is a monthly opportunity for the community to come together to learn and have fun. A suburban library is transformed into a community hub, buzzing with art demonstrations, food, games and educational activities. Only 25 attended the first session in April 2016; attendance now averages 300.


“Turn it UP” is not just a party. It enables the library to respond to community needs by centering each event around a theme -- women’s history, for example, where Girl Scouts, the local university women’s basketball team and modern technology all came together to celebrate women. The opportunity to present relevant information in a new, dynamic way has led to many connections both within the community of library users and the greater business community.

Key Elements of Innovation

“Turn it UP” includes food and drink, live music, live art, children’s activities such as putt-putt, family crafts and puppet shows and special visitors including police and fire personnel, local celebrities, etc. The event offers exposure to library services as outside groups bring in their own customers. We have grown our relationships with local businesses and the art/cultural community. Customers become our most compelling advocates, sharing unique stories with others.

Achieved Outcomes

During the first six months of 2017, 1,800 people attended a monthly “Turn it UP Thursday” event. That was one night each month where families happily tear themselves away from their television sets, computers and mobile devices and come together with other families to enjoy wholesome activities, educational and entertaining presentations, music and refreshments in a safe, friendly environment. Part of JPL’s mission is to “build community.” That’s exactly the effect of “Turn it UP.”