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Unified Service and Tiered Information Service

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Unified Service and Tiered Information Service

Houston Public Library

Innovation Synopsis

In the face of system-wide budgetary and staffing reductions, Houston Public Library challenged traditional service delivery methods, retooled staffing models, and reconfigured physical layouts at Neighborhood Library locations to provide seamless and intuitive service delivery to customers and utilize limited existing personnel as efficiently and effectively as possible.


Upon entering a traditional library, customers encounter at least two service points. One is designated for circulation services; the other for reference. Increasingly, staff at Houston Public Library saw that these distinctions between circulation and reference desks had no rational meaning to most of our customers. They just wanted someone who could them with provide assistance. In fact, some customers appeared confused when a seemingly basic transaction is transferred to another staff person; or they had to wait for the next available reference staff for a simple query. In addition, the assistance sought by customers from the reference staff often fell more into the category of directional information or technical assistance rather than true reference inquiries.

Separate service desks for circulation and reference assistance required that multiple service points had to be staffed regardless of activity and service level at a given location. It also meant that customers were continually shuttling back and forth between service points based on their need. This model presented barriers to providing customers with efficient and timely service and often presented challenges with sightlines and safety because of the positioning of the two desks.

Budget reductions led to significant decreases in staffing throughout the system. Further, to meet the staffing demands required by two or more service desks, other important staff work responsibilities were often put on hold. This led to delays and/or impediments in material availability, program preparation, community engagement activities and other customer services. It became clear that an innovative solution was required that could utilize limited staff resources to deliver the exceptional services our customers had come to expect.

Key Elements of Innovation

The Unified Service Model created a smart, easily visible and accessible primary service point where customers can receive assistance for a variety of library needs. This model necessitated major changes in operations, physical layout of facilities, and a new collective staff mindset about how library services were delivered.

Retooling began with extensive cross-training of all staff to ensure they were knowledgeable in circulation functions and able to provide basic information assistance. The goal was to ensure that any staff member"regardless of classification"could assist most customers, with referrals necessary only when advanced assistance was required.

Tiered Services Guidelines were developed to clarify expectations of new service model. These tiers are briefly described below:

" Tier 1. Addresses the bulk of our customers" service and informational needs-- including basic circulation, information, and technology questions; all frontline staff assist with questions in this tier.

" Tier 2. Encompasses more challenging and advanced reference questions that should be escalated to a librarian on site, or, if necessary, to Remote Reference services at the Central Library.

" Tier 3. Focuses on specialized information that is found elsewhere and must be referred to Central Library or to Special Collections, or where Tier 2 level assistance does not yield enough information.

Additional operational elements of the model include: adjusting staffing levels during slow periods, scheduling staff to rove and complete other tasks, such as shelving, while actively inquiring about customer"s needs, and giving customer service higher priority over scheduled tasks.

To support operational changes and enable a smooth transition, existing service desks were repurposed and consolidated into one service area. Several locations received minor renovations to remove circulation and/or reference desks to create a single service desk to accommodate the new service model.

Achieved Outcomes

The Unified Service Model has four primary goals: 1) provide a high level of customer service with reduced staff levels, 2) improve the customer"s experience, 3) implement more flexible and efficient use of staff, and 4) improve staff morale.

Staff attrition and looming budget cuts in 2010 and 2011 accelerated the pace of broader implementation of the Unified Service model. (In two years, Neighborhood Library staffing levels decreased by 20 %.) The provision of a single point of service combined with flexible staff scheduling ensured retention of service quality.

The customer experience was enhanced by the following: 1) easily identifiable customer service staff, 2) one primary point of service, 3) reduced time waiting for assistance, 4) transactions completed with one person, 5) and proactive service. Staff ready to shift from shelving to reference assistance improved the timeliness and efficiency of customer interactions and productivity. As a result of the USM Customers expressed improved satisfaction with service because they encountered friendly staff who presented themselves as available to engage them readily.

Increased customer satisfaction resulted from information needs met at the point of need. Survey results for the original pilot project at three locations showed that 99% of customers were able to locate a staff member quickly. In addition, 99% of respondents found the staff members were courteous and helpful throughout interactions. Interactions with staff received 99% approval for timeliness and efficiency, and 97% reported that the information and assistance met their needs.

Staff experienced greater satisfaction with their ability to meet customer needs. In addition, staff gained greater awareness of each other"s responsibilities and respect for each other"s contributions. Incorporating staff suggestions improved the Unified Service Model training methodology. Cross-training improved operational functions and improved team building. Unanticipated benefits of the Unified Service Model include staff becoming more aware of the overall organization"s goals, relying less on traditional hierarchy model and becoming more attuned to the specific needs of the community.