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Unleashing Brand Management at TLCPL

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Unleashing Brand Management at TLCPL

Toledo Lucas County Public Library, Ohio

Advocacy & Awareness | 2019

Innovation Synopsis

Libraries have enormous competition for people's attention as they are relentlessly bombarded with messages — often from organizations with far more resources than libraries have. To make sure our messages stand out in this environment, TLCPL has embraced a brand management program that positions the library as an unmissable positive presence.


In 2015, TLCPL established brand guidelines. However, the brand wasn't consistently deployed. Each marketing project was approached as "How do we make this piece unique?" The resulting print and digital materials looked to be from different organizations, diluting the power of the library's brand. This individualized approach also increased marketing delivery times so staff were creating their own pieces which were neither brand compliant nor professionally designed — weakening the brand and creating a maze of materials.

Key Elements of Innovation

Discipline: A relentless focus on all marketing pieces meeting brand standards.

Processes: Streamlining workflows to create capacity for high-impact marketing initiatives.

Leadership support: If leadership makes exceptions for "special" departments the branding effort is diluted.

Education: To avoid pushback with every project, you need to help everyone understand brand management's power. Many library staff like making their own flyers and posters, so talking about how such efforts undermine their goals is crucial.

Achieved Outcomes

The capacity to create campaigns that advance the library as an unmistakable, unmissable positive presence including a series of attention-getting promotional items. Monthly increases in website, social media, earned media and email analytics. Circulation and door count have held steady despite the fact that we have had at least one building closed for renovations, including the Main library, since 2016. One less FTE in marketing, elimination of freelance assistance and staff comp time.