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Unlocking Potential: Interviewing with Confidence

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Unlocking Potential: Interviewing with Confidence

Johnson County Library

Library Operations & Management | 2024

Innovation Synopsis

In 2020, two Johnson County Library Branch Operations Managers set out to solve a problem that had been prevalent for years and affected overall staff satisfaction and morale. The heart of the problem being that library staff had the necessary skills for promotion, yet, in the interview setting, their performance wasn’t measuring up to that of external candidates. This often led to frustration and disenchantment amongst long-term staff.

Johnson County Library’s Interview Workshop provides participants with tools to feel prepared for and gain a better understanding of what interviewers are looking for from job candidates.

Participants learn practical strategies to utilize their strengths and experiences in job interviews. The Workshop provides intensive skill-building sessions where participants get to practice, build confidence, and give and receive feedback from managers and peers.


While library leadership often pondered and discussed solutions, up until 2018, the library didn’t have the framework to develop a sustaining system-wide solution. With the inception of a coordinated management team in 2018, a subcommittee was formed that focused on learning and career growth opportunities for library staff.

We developed the concept following a hiring push at the library, that happened in 2018 with the opening of the Monticello Library branch. Managers who were hiring noticed that many stellar and talented staff were unable to rise to the top of the candidate pool simply because they were unable to share with the hiring team their skills, talents, strengths, interest, and passion for the position they were pursuing.

Key Elements of Innovation

Johnson County Library’s Interview Workshop provides participants with tools to feel prepared for and gain a better understanding of what interviewers are looking for from job candidates. The inspiration for the workshop came from the book Interview Magic by Susan Britton-Whitcomb. While this book is out of print and has some outdated information, JCL managers were able to look past those challenges to find good bones for creating the Interview Workshop.

Over three sessions, participants learn practical strategies to utilize their strengths and experiences in job interviews. The Workshop provides intensive skill-building sessions where participants get to practice, build confidence, and give and receive feedback from managers and peers.

Participants will be expected to spend 60-90 minutes per week in class and 30-60 minutes for homework during the first two weeks. Completed homework is integral to the progression of the class and is required for participation.

Achieved Outcomes

Since the first offering of Interview Workshop a total of 42 Johnson County Library staff members have attended. A total of 20 staff were promoted following workshop attendance which is a success rate of 48%.

As a bonus, Interview Workshop is a resource all managers can refer staff to when we, as managers, don’t have the time, resources, and knowledge to effectively assist staff in developing the skills necessary to perform well in the interview setting. As a learning organization it was important to us to be able to support all JCL staff in their desires to advance within the organization.

After each session, we intentionally ask for feedback from participants, and we have adjusted the content based on that feedback. In 2023, we launched a pre-requisite to the Interview Workshop-The Career Exploration Workbook which guides participants through self-reflective questions to help them understand what they are looking for in a career path.