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Virtual Programming Leadership Team

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Virtual Programming Leadership Team

LA County Library, Calif.

Library Operations & Management | 2020

Innovation Synopsis

LA County Library created a multi-division working group to develop a new engagement strategy, delivering virtual programs systemwide in response to COVID-19. The Virtual Programming Leadership Team (VPLT) collaboration includes Youth and Adult Services staff plus Marketing, assessing skills and maximizing technology to offer a variety of programs.


Prior to COVID-19, LA County Library was accustomed to localized in-person programs and did not have a way to deliver virtual programs systemwide to all 85 libraries/communities. In order to continue integral programming to customers when stay-at-home orders were instated, library staff were challenged to rethink roles and quickly retool existing technology infrastructures. With 30% of staff deployed as Disaster Service Workers, a staffing restructure was needed to develop thoughtful, impactful, cohesive programming.

Key Elements of Innovation

The VPLT leveraged communication platforms to develop a strategy for implementing and marketing programs, including a new YouTube channel, recently-acquired Webex tools and Facebook Live. Field staff were surveyed for program ideas and skill shares, and those on specialized teams were redeployed to diversify content. Sub-teams, workflows and standards were developed for live and pre-recorded offerings. VPLT train staff, manage progress and evaluate data, with continued exploration of new formats and partnerships.

Achieved Outcomes

Since launching, over 152,000 people have viewed/participated in over 200 programs, with more added daily. Weekly team meetings and program surveys for attendees allow the VPLT to respond to the shifting needs of staff and customers. Even with limited staff and resources, programs have increased engagement and expanded reach to customers. New partnerships with other departments and organizations can be carried into the future for local library programs as a new staff resource to strengthen community connections.