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Voices of Our Community

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Voices of Our Community

Baltimore County Public Library, Md.

Advocacy & Awareness | 2018

Innovation Synopsis

How are we different? How are we the same? Participants built a better understanding of the commonalities among different religions and cultures. Panelists, including members of the Muslim, Christian and Jewish faiths, provided historic and contemporary perspectives on media, women, war and peace as it relates to religion.


There were deep divisions following the 2016 presidential election. There was also a compelling need for non-partisan spaces at which to have conversations about topics which we, as people, have difficulty broaching. In our unique role in the community, we were able to bring together theologians, academicians and leaders of the Muslim, Jewish and Christian communities to engage in thoughtful, honest conversations over an often divisive topic with a diverse, engaged audience.

Key Elements of Innovation

The impetus for this series of programs came when the library was approached by a member of our Muslim community. We worked together over several months to determine the best way to create empathy and understanding within the community. From infancy, this collaboration in the development of the series was unique and challenging. It necessitated finesse to ensure that the community member felt heard while the series remained reflective of the greater community’s needs.

Achieved Outcomes

The goals of the series were to open a dialogue on religious beliefs, and look at similarities and differences between major religious groups. Survey responses indicated we met that goal, and participants praised the diversity of the panel and commented on the inclusion of so many female participants. Specific comments praised the “congenial manner in which topics were discussed despite differences” and the “openness of panel and audience.”