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VR Roadshow: Manufacturing

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VR Roadshow: Manufacturing

Baltimore County Public Library, Md.

Workforce and Economic Development

Innovation Synopsis

The library partnered with the Maryland State Library, FutureMakers and the Regional Manufacturing Institute of Maryland to create a showcase for local manufacturers to experience and learn about virtual and augmented reality technology and its applications in manufacturing.


Paula_Miller_VRRS005.jpgMaryland manufacturers are in various stages of exploring and implementing emerging technologies. Many know about virtual and augmented realities, but have not had the chance to experience them firsthand and are not aware of the extent to which they can transform manufacturing. The library is interested in partnering with local manufacturers to help them enhance their businesses so that Baltimore County can become a leader in the industry, creating more jobs and improving the economy.

Key Elements of Innovation

Paula_Miller_VRRS001.jpgThe library invited RMI Maryland members to a reception and seminar about VR and AR in manufacturing, which was presented by the Maryland State Library and FutureMakers. This allowed library personnel to meet with local manufacturers to learn about their needs, foster relationships and bring library services to their attention. Library staff also provided hands-on demonstrations of the Vive, the Rift and other devices after the presentation.

Achieved Outcomes

Paula_Miller_VRRS006.jpgRepresentatives from 18 local manufacturers or businesses attended; most expressed an interest in learning more about incorporating these technologies. As a part of the partnership with the Maryland State Library, BCPL acquired a Microsoft HoloLens to lend to developers and businesses who are interested in AR. Impacts include: a more informed manufacturing community, which will result in workforce and economic improvements; and library connections with local businesses.