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VROOM! (Valero Roving Outreach Online Mobile)

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VROOM! (Valero Roving Outreach Online Mobile)

San Antonio Public Library, Texas

Education - Children & Adults

Innovation Synopsis

VROOM! is San Antonio Public Library’s (SAPL) Teen outreach vehicle. Inspired by Aarhus’s Spotmobile, SAPL put a unique high tech twist on the delivery of traditional, and new-traditional services to under-served teens. Through “roll-ups” by VROOM! teens interact with technology to explore, create and participate in unexpected ways.


Targeting the Eastside Promise Neighborhood/ Choice Neighborhood – a low-income predominantly African-American community in the City of San Antonio, this innovation seeks to bridge not only the digital divide – but the participation gap by delivering contextualized targeted technology experiences focused on creation, exploration, training most critically – participation with underserved teens. VROOM! also allows for on-site delivery of non-traditional programming – such as electric guitar lessons & live on-line homework tutoring. Funding for this initiative provided through the generosity of the San Antonio Public Library Foundation, Valero/NuStar Energy Foundation.

Key Elements of Innovation

Key Elements: Development, implementation and evaluation of structure for delivering curriculum in dynamic, compact ways suitable for a variety of venues, interest and experience levels of teen users and within time constraints. Quality and utility of content created by teens via curriculum – including the possible application of acquired skills toward schoolwork/academic success. Utility and success of curriculum elements – and “value added” experiences of spontaneous “roll-ups” is continuously evaluated. The most vital element is staff and staff training to deliver “curriculum” in dynamic, compact ways suitable for a variety of venues, interest and experience levels of teen users. Identifying key venues in the community for structured and spontaneous delivery of the service i.e. a schedule visit to a high school vs. an unstructured “roll-up” to the neighborhood basketball court.

Process steps Four “programming” tracks:

  1. art (including video, photo editing, electronic drawing
  2. music/ recording (electric guitars, garage band application, Audacity voice recording
  3. information literacy – (including scavenger hunts, “consider the source” games and media literacy strategies)
  4. Live online homework help – daily in math, science social studies & English (via

Achieved Outcomes

In target service population (under-served teens 13 – 18) anticipated outcomes include:

  1. Increase access to technology – including specialized software/hardware
  2. Shift towards participation (decrease in participation gap) as teens add content to established (library) on-line platforms (i.e. blog , Instagram, etc.)
  3. Increase in skill and knowledge of technology including specialized software (i.e. iMovie)
  4. Improved technology engagement / skills applicable in school work as well as hobby/interest
  5. Increase access to live online homework help tutoring assistance.