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What Do I Check Out Next?

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What Do I Check Out Next?

Montgomery County Public Libraries, Md.

Innovation Synopsis

Montgomery County Public Libraries’ online readers’ advisory service “What Do I Check Out Next?” enables customers to submit online requests for book suggestions. MCPL staff provides recommendations matching customers’ reading interests. This service aims to connect customers 24/7 by reaching out to the county’s diverse communities beyond MCPL’s walls.


Geared towards teen and adults, “What Do I Check Out Next?” offers customers personal recommendations about authors, genres and formats for reading. The service benefits all customers including those who do not or cannot visit the library. By completing an online form from anywhere at any time, parents, teachers, retirees, homebound customers, non-readers, non-English speakers, commuters, book club members and many other busy customers can benefit from this service.

Key Elements of Innovation

“What Do I Check Out Next?” conveys MCPL’s commitment to outstanding customer service recognizing the county’s changing demographics. The service provides assistance and support, serves to increase MCPL’s circulation, and enables connections with customers who cannot visit an MCPL facility due to their busy lives, work schedules, medical or health issues or other obstacles. This program advances MCPL as a user-friendly and contemporary institution.

Achieved Outcomes

The online readers’ advisory service has been an overwhelming success, receiving a considerable number of requests with increasing demand. MCPL has connected customers beyond its traditional walls, and has enabled MCPL’s readers’ advisory experts to reach out and connect with customers remotely. Encouraging passion for reading and learning, “What Do I Check Out Next?” provides customers with their own “personal librarian” helping them select the right book at the right time.