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Year of Inclusion at the County Library

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Year of Inclusion at the County Library

Salt Lake County Library Services, Utah

Workforce and Economic Development

Innovation Synopsis

2017 is the "Year of Inclusion at the County Library," where "It's About All of Us." 365 days committed to increasing awareness and promoting equality and acceptance among employees and county library patrons. Awareness, equality and acceptance will be reflected in branch programs, displays and activities.


Promoting awareness, equality and acceptance among library team members and patrons helps to reduce barriers, build empathy and maintain an environment that is welcome to everyone.

Key Elements of Innovation

Branches selected a month and topic or culture that they would like to better understand and recognize, then created programs about and for staff and community members. Each month had a theme such as honoring our veterans, celebrating refugees, mental health awareness and celebrating pride month. The month long promotion of each theme and the respective programs provided an opportunity to increase awareness internally and externally, while reinforcing the "It's About All of Us" message.

Achieved Outcomes

Several staff and community members are now better informed because of these programs and, hopefully, better able to communicate with and relate to each other. In addition, the program has provided a unique opportunity to partner with a variety of community partners and expand our workforce knowledge, while providing community members increased opportunities for success.