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Yes, You Can! It's More than a Brand

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Yes, You Can! It's More than a Brand

The Public Library of Youngstown & Mahoning County, Ohio

Advocacy & Awareness

Innovation Synopsis

Library policies often serve internal needs resulting in customers hearing “no” frequently. In light of community input, we questioned policies and procedures, and created innovative new services. We engaged staff in getting to "yes." Vibrant branding efforts feature, "Yes, You Can!" The result: real institutional change and new community enthusiasm.


During “kitchen table” conversations throughout the community, we frequently heard there were many barriers to library service, particularly for kids and low-income families, and that we needed to spread our services into the community. We heard complaints that policies were more important than people. Reflecting on this, we realized that internal policies prevented us from getting to "yes," and it was time to change! But how do you change public perception, an organizational culture, and a whole lot of policies? And make it exciting? Our answer to whether we could tackle this large issue was: “Yes, yes, we can!” That answer was the seed for a multi-year approach to making real changes and positioning the library as a vibrant, positive “yes” force in the community.

Key Elements of Innovation

We began with a Pop-Up Library actually having the capability to circulate materials anywhere. It travels to community gardens, low-income housing, indoor and outdoor events and inner city schools. We then streamlined long-standing policies. We implemented the fine-free card for school children eliminating the need for a parent's signature; added fine-free and digital cards for teens and seniors; a Conditional Card that offers a second chance to those blocked by fines; expanded free delivery to seniors and parents for the first year of their baby’s life. The message is carried in energetic TV spots and marketing materials featuring, "Yes, You Can!

Achieved Outcomes

Employees are finding more ways to say “yes” and acknowledging that it is important to remove barriers for customers. A “Good Things” initiative has staff sharing positive stories. In “Innovation Space” meetings, employees reflect on real change they are seeing in organizational culture. The Pop-Up Library had 102 community visits and circulated 11,631 items since it began in Nov. 2013. The creation of “yes” card types — fine-free youth (Read Card) and Senior Cards, and Conditional Card — assisted with attracting or retaining users. We’ve issued 2,425 Read Cards, 12,324 Senior Cards, and 504 Conditional Cards. Public feedback tells us the branding worked; the community views us as positive and vibrant. Teachers report the impact of the Pop-Up/ Read Cards as “phenomenal” and say it “made literacy soar.”