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Youth Services Orientation - A Solid Foundation

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Youth Services Orientation - A Solid Foundation

Jacksonville Public Library, Fla.

Library Operations & Management

Innovation Synopsis

The Jacksonville Public Library Youth Services Department developed and implemented a two-week training program for new Youth Services staff. Kicking off on each new employee’s first day, it is an opportunity for them to learn their roles and responsibilities, and to learn from and begin building relationships with colleagues.


This training directly supports the Jacksonville Public Library’s strategic goal to have an "Engaged and Skilled Staff" by helping new staff to become knowledgeable and well-integrated members of the Youth Services Team. The goals of the two weeks are to:

  • Define the new employee’s role in Youth Services Define where they fit within the 21-library, 400-employee system Introduce various library departments and resources
  • Establish expectations for collection development, customer service, community outreach, and programming. (Participants learn research-based techniques for developing and presenting programs that maximize learning.)
  • Provide opportunities to meet and shadow staff in various areas of the library.

Key Elements of Innovation

Youth Services administration determined the programs and resources most relevant to Youth Services staff and the length of time needed to introduce these topics. The training was then organized into two successive weeks, with the staff member reporting directly to the Youth Services administrative office for the duration. The first week focuses on direct instruction/training, with the second week consisting primarily of observation and program planning. Staff see the training components in action by observing and meeting with peers, then practice using these concepts in the safety of a training environment before adapting them to real situations in their library.

Achieved Outcomes

As of June 2016, 55 staff members have completed the orientation and are finding it invaluable. Many share the sentiments of William Figlietti — "Though I had taught in elementary schools, I cannot express how useful this training has proven to be" — or Kate Zakharov — "I was able to start off with confidence and be an asset to my department right away." While managers were initially reluctant to have new staff away from their branch for two weeks, many now say it is well worth it to have them arrive already prepared for branch responsibilities.