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Super Kinder (Listos para el kinder)

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Super Kinder (Listos para el kinder)

Hennepin County Library, Minn.

Innovation Synopsis

Súper Kínder: Listos Para el Kínder is a school readiness program for Latino children ages 4-5 and their parents/caregivers. The program was offered at two locations, Nokomis and Oxboro Libraries, for ten weeks and engaged in learning activities and storytimes to build early literacy skills and prepare for kindergarten


Despite demographics that showed increasing numbers of Latino and Spanish-speaking families in the community, when the Nokomis Library re-opened after renovation in 2011, staff observed low attendance at library programs like storytime and continued low usage in general of library services. Additionally, a report by the Minneapolis Foundation, discovered that while 72% of all children in Minneapolis were ready for school, only 36% of Spanish-speaking children were prepared. In collaboration with local partners, library staff decided to create a new type of kindergarten readiness program at the library, to improve kindergarten readiness and to encourage Spanish-speaking families to use the library.

Key Elements of Innovation

Using a 10-week curriculum developed by Norma Alejandro, a Minneapolis Public Schools teacher in the Green Central Native Language Literacy program, Súper Kínder provided kindergarten readiness experience to ten families in 2012 at the Nokomis Library and again in 2013 at both Nokomis and Oxboro Library, in Bloomington. Marcela Sánchez, Latino Outreach Liaison from Hennepin County Library Multicultural Services, taught the parents in the library’s meeting room. Teen assistants engaged the children in learning activities in the children’s area. Following the class, the children were invited to join their parents in the meeting room, and the parents implemented the lesson and activities of the day. At every session, families received activity kits to encourage interactive learning at home; this was intended to emphasize the parents’ role as their child’s first and best teacher.

Súper Kínder’s weekly themed lessons were:

  • Hopes and Dreams
  • I am Special
  • Sequences
  • Numbers/Counting
  • Seasons & Weather
  • The Alphabet
  • Rhymes and Letter Sounds
  • Five Senses/Colors/Food
  • Figures, Shapes, & Patterns
  • Friends & Reflections

A unique feature of Súper Kínder is its focus on educational outcomes for young children, for teens, and for parents. The children worked with both their parents and the teens to learn valuable skills for entering kindergarten. The parents learned about the importance of reading with their children, and discovered low- or no-cost activities that help prepare their children for school. Teen assistants learned about the importance of play in learning and about the importance of learning in one’s native language.

Achieved Outcomes

The parents learned about the importance of reading with their children, and discovered low- or no-cost activities that help prepare their children for school. The teen assistants learned about the importance of play in learning and about the importance of learning in one’s native language. By the end of the ten-week program, children had built strong connections with their teen mentors. Parents built connections with their teachers, with each other, and with the library. Nokomis and Oxboro Library staff have been delighted to see Súper Kínder families attending other programs, or just visiting and checking out books. Parents completed pre- and post-program surveys to measure the outcomes identified in the program’s logic model. The Súper Kínder team was pleased to learn that parents who participated in the program expressed broader and more actionable ideas about how to become actively engaged leaders in their child's education both at home and at school.

Here are the recommendations identified by the Súper Kínder team for improvement in 2014:

  • Recruit teen assistants locally at all locations to ensure that they bring the skills and interest necessary to working with Súper Kínder.
  • Limit participation to ten families at each location.
  • Kick off the session at each location with an orientation session where parents may meet the program and library staff, get a tour of the library, and register for library cards.
  • Enhance training for teen assistants to better communicate the library’s work in public and community service.